On Halloween day the City Offices are doing a Harry Potter themed walkthrough. The entire school will be walking to the city office to see the event. Please ensure that your child has a coat and shoes they can walk in for the day. Students may wear their costumes to school. If you would not like your child to participate, please inform your child's classroom teacher and we will make alternate arrangements for that time. Thank you and Happy Halloween!
about 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
On Halloween day the City Offices are doing a Harry Potter themed walkthrough.  The entire school will be walking to the city office to see the event.  Please ensure that your child has a coat and shoes they can walk in for the day.  Students may wear their costumes to school that day.  If you would not like your child to participate, please inform your child's classroom teacher and we will make alternate arrangements for that time. Thank you and Happy Halloween!
Tomorrow marks the beginning of Red Ribbon Week. There will be a dress up day each day this week. Tomorrow is wear red and Tuesday is wear a costume. Please do not forget to send your child with a coat, preferably with their name written inside. It has become very chilly in the past couple of days and we go out for recess every day.
about 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Tomorrow marks the beginning of Red Ribbon Week.  There will be a dress up day each day this week.  Tomorrow is wear red and Tuesday is wear a costume.  Please do not forget to send your child with a coat, preferably with their name written inside.  It has become very chilly in the past couple of days and we go out for recess everyday.
Harvest Festival Costume Parade starts at 11. Come and Support the Monticello PTA. Harvest Festival at the City Ballfield park from 1130 to 130. See you there!
about 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Just a quick reminder that today is picture day at Monticello Elementary.
about 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Today is picture day at Monticello Elementary.
The following google doc has the coats that have been left at the school’s lost and found. If you recognize any of them please pick them up before Friday. I went through the pile today and removed any of the coats that had names on them. We only have so much room for lost and found. If you think that one of these coats belongs to your child or you have any other concerns please reach out to the school (435)5678-1180. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16L7tNTa9Ac0woYrwbKtoPAk0uQQnBiAG22DCOIhh6II/edit?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
The first PTA Fun Run will be on October 10th at 6 pm in front of Monticello Elementary School. See you there!
about 1 year ago, Monticello Elementary School
The first PTA Fun Run will be on October 10th at 6 pm in front of Monticello Elementary School.  See you there!
Just a quick reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow. School will be released at 12. If you have any questions about your appointments, call the school at 435-678-1180. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
MES and MHS have open School Community Council positions for the 2023-2024 school year. Are you interested or do know a parent that would like to serve on our School Community Council? If so, please nominate any parent who you think would provide valuable input on our School Community Council. Elections will be held on September 13th during CCR day. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1haI3oeHfzUw8pGjYsE77amhJj2oHrj81oqQIUhYXSAE/edit
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
MES and MHS have open School Community Council positions for the 2023-2024 school year.  Are you interested or do know a parent that would like to serve on our School Community Council? If so, please nominate any parent who you think would provide valuable input on our School Community Council.     https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1haI3oeHfzUw8pGjYsE77amhJj2oHrj81oqQIUhYXSAE/edit
The phones at MES are not working currently. We have a team of people fixing them as quickly as possible. If you need to get a message to someone at the school, our emails are working. If you need to get ahold of the office you can email Haley at hburton@sjsd.org. We apologize for the inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
The phones at MES are not working currently.  We have a team of people fixing them as quickly as possible.  If you need to get a message to someone at the school, our emails are working.  If you need to get ahold of the office you can email Haley at hburton@sjsd.org.  We apologize for the inconvenience.
Tomorrow night, August 23rd, will be Back to School Night at Monticello Elementary. Starting at 6:00 pm we will meet in the gym for a short introduction. After the introductions, parents will have the opportunity to visit their child’s teacher(s).
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Tomorrow night, August 23rd, will be Back to School Night at Monticello Elementary. Starting at 6:00 pm we will meet in the gym for a short introduction.  After the introductions, parents will have the opportunity to visit their child’s teacher(s).
Get your child ready for school with Waterford!
over 1 year ago, Aaron Brewer
Waterford Flyer
"The final round of P-EBT funds should be issued by Mid-July to all families in San Juan School District who had a student enrolled as of May 1, 2023. This summer funding is $120 per eligible student. Any family who does not receive their disbursement on their card or a card in the mail for students who did not previously have one by August 1st, should contact the District Food Services Office between August 2 and 14 by emailing afredericks@sjsd.org with the name of the parent, name of student(s), and a good contact phone number and mailing address. Households MUST report by August 14, 2023 if they did not receive funds by August 1st. Reports after this date will not be able to be submitted for reconsideration.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
"The final round of P-EBT funds should be issued by Mid-July to all families in San Juan School District who had a student enrolled as of May 1, 2023. This summer funding is $120 per eligible student. Any family who does not receive their disbursement on their card or a card in the mail for students who did not previously have one by August 1st, should contact the District Food Services Office between August 2 and 14 by emailing afredericks@sjsd.org with the name of the parent, name of student(s), and a good contact phone number and mailing address.   Households MUST report by August 14, 2023 if they did not receive funds by August 1st. Reports after this date will not be able to be submitted for reconsideration.
Good morning MES families. I am excited for this morning's awards assembly. It will be held in the MHS auditorium. The assembly will start at 9 am and should last about an hour. Thank you for this amazing year and for making MES a great place to go to school. See you soon. If you have any questions please call the school at 4356781180.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Awards Assembly
We were spoiled again. Thanks to all the parents that chipped in to make the faculty's day again. Treats galore.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Treats galore to celebrate the teachers.
Yesterday we were visted by Hagrid and his helper witch. They delivered all the faculty notes from their students. I caught two teachers tearing up. Thank you so much.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Hagrid delivering owl mail.
The SJSD Board of Education and district administration would like to express appreciation to all stakeholders who completed our recent stakeholder surveys. All surveys are viewed and all comments are read. There is great power in receiving such a vast amount of data. Much can be learned from the patterns and consistent themes found in the hundreds of surveys received. This is so helpful to future decisions both at the individual staff member level as well as the school/district level. Again, on behalf of the SJSD Board of Education, thank you. Thank you for investing in your local schools. We value your voice and perspective. We hope to hear from you often. Ahxéhee/Thank you
over 1 year ago, Ron Nielson
My special Polyjuice Potion. Thank you PTA!!!! Teacher appreciation is the best.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Thank you PTA.
Thank you to everyone that has helped with Teacher Appreciation Week. Today was an amazing kick off. I do not know about being a Slytherin, but it was so much fun. Thank you MES PTA.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
The sorting hat sorted staff into their houses today.  I don't know how I ended up in Slytherin, but this was so much fun.
Dear Parents/Guardians: We want to hear about your experience with your student’s education. We invite you to participate in completing the Utah School Climate Survey. This survey includes questions about your student’s learning, school safety, and interpersonal relationships, as well as your attitudes about the institutional environment and your personal involvement in school. Your responses will be very helpful in improving student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment. Beginning today, April 24, 2023, we invite all parents, guardians, and caretakers to complete this survey for our school. The survey is completely anonymous; it contains 33 questions. You can take the survey online by using the following unique school link: SURVEY LINK. Please submit your responses by May 5th. All your responses are completely anonymous. We have no way to connect you to your answers, and results will only be reported as group responses. There are no right or wrong answers. We just want to know about your personal experiences. Responses are housed securely in an anonymous format with The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) for evaluation research purposes. All evaluation research projects are in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, (343 CFR 99.31 (6)) and human subjects regulations (Protection of Human Subjects 45 CFR 46). As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent, caregiver, or guardian at your student’s school. Please answer all of the questions. When you have completed the survey, click on the “Next” button at the bottom of the page. You are done! Thank you for your time and opinions. We hope you will take the time to provide us with this valuable information. Each school’s total survey results will be used to inform and develop appropriate strategies, procedures, and/or programs to enhance our school climate. The link to complete the survey is https://sanjuandistrict.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ES1VyWxH3oeYui Thank you for your time and participation!
over 1 year ago, Aaron Brewer
Monticello Elementary School's Kindergarten Registration is up and running. All registration will be done online. Contact Haley Burton at the school for details. Pass this message on to others who might have future kindergarteners. (435)587-2241 or hburton@sjsd.org Thanks for the support.
over 1 year ago, Jenna Olson
Monticello Elementary School's Kindergarten Registration is up and running.  All registration will be done online.  Contact Haley Burton at the school for details.  Pass this message on to others who might have future kindergarteners.  (435)587-2241 or hburton@sjsd.org  Thanks for the support.