Families, It is that time of year, Christmas Program time. The program will be held at 10 am. in the gym at MES. If you have any questions reach out to the school at (435)678-1180. Here is a link for the outline of the program tomorrow: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGZxVJZTqw/l_3Opf4DbWmAe2T2Xty0tw/view?utm_content=DAGZxVJZTqw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h0aa0897724 Here is a link to the Map of where everyone is sitting so that you can make an informed choice when choosing a seat. Map of the Gym: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d4ABZjr9g0bxt_n915VnQu8GKhmnIFEX/view?usp=sharing Can't wait to see you at the program. See you soon!
15 days ago, Jenna Olson
The PTA will be doing a Holiday Gram activity tomorrow December 13th after school . This The flyer outlines the details. If you have questions please reach out to the school at (435)678-1180.
22 days ago, Jenna Olson
The PTA will be doing a Holiday Gram fundraiser tomorrow December 13th after school .  The flyer outlines the details.  If you have questions please reach out to the school at (435)678-1180.
Dear Families, Today we have the opportunity to walk to MHS and see the play White Christmas. We will leave the school at 140ish to be in our seats by 2:00. Please send your child(ren) in clothing that they can walk outside in, especially a warm coat. If you have concerns or questions about this event please reach out to the school at (435)678-1180.
24 days ago, Jenna Olson
Dear Parents, I thought that a quick note should be sent regarding your children being sent home with their Chromebooks. It is MES' procedure that when there is a Winter Storm Warning we send Chromebooks home with students. If there was to be an actual Snow Day we would send you a message through this same platform that I am using right now. Most likely this would be done the morning of the virtual Snow Day. If you have any questions about this process please email me at jolson@sjsd.org or call the school at (435)678-1180. Thank you for your support in this process. Stay safe!
about 1 month ago, Jenna Olson
This week will be Career Week at Monticello Elementary School. On Monday students may dress up as what they want to be when they grow up. On Tuesday we will have the Future Fair. Occupations and Options for students at the high school will be coming to MES. This will let students explore what options they have for the future. The next two days should be filled with fun and learning. If you have any questions please reach out to the school at (435)678-1180.
about 1 month ago, Jenna Olson
Just a quick reminder that the Talent Show will be on Monday, November 25th from 12:30 to 1:30. If you have any questions reach out to the school at 435-678-1180.
about 1 month ago, Jenna Olson
There will be no school on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.
about 2 months ago, Jenna Olson
No School Monday, November 11th.
Our picture retake day was scheduled for November 1st. We were contacted by the company and our picture packets will not be ready for November 1st. We will need to reschedule picture retake day for November 12th. I have attached the picture packet to this email for your convenience. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the school at (435)678-1180.
2 months ago, Jenna Olson
Our picture retake day was scheduled for November 1st.  We were contacted by the company and our picture packets will not be ready for November 1st.  We will need to reschedule picture retake day for November 12th.  I have attached the picture packet to this email for your convenience.  If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the school.
It is the time of year where each child needs to bring a coat to school every day. We send students out to recess 99.5% of the days and we would like everyone to be comfortable outside. If you could please remember to send your child with a coat that has their name in it, we would really appreciate it. Our lost and found is already getting pretty big. If you need anything from us please reach out at (435)678-1180. Keep warm!
3 months ago, Jenna Olson
It is the time of year where each child needs to bring a coat to school every day.  We send students out to recess 99.5% of the days and we would like everyone to be comfortable outside. If you could please remember to send your child with a coat that has their name in it, we would really appreciate it.  If you need anything from us please reach out at (435)678-1180.  Keep warm!
MES is will be having a career fair on November 26th from 8 am to noon. We are looking for volunteers for your time and expertise to inspire the next generation. If you are interested in volunteering your time please reach out to Liesel Johnson at (435)678-1180 or ljohnson@sjsd.org. Thank You!
3 months ago, Jenna Olson
MES is will be having a career fair on November 26th from 8 am to noon.  We are looking for volunteers for your time and expertise to inspire the next generation. If you are interested in volunteering your time please reach out to Liesel Johnson at (435)678-1180 or ljohnson@sjsd.org.  Thank You!
Today MES and MHS will release from school at 12 today. This is so we can meet with parents for CCR day. If you have any questions please reach out to the school at (435)678-1180. Busses will run at 12 and lunch will be served before dismissal.
4 months ago, Jenna Olson
Today MES and MHS will release from school at 12 today.  This is so we can meet with parents for CCR day.  If you have any questions please reach out to the school at (435)678-1180.  Busses will run at 12 and lunch will be served before dismissal.
We just noticed that there was a misprint in the newsletter. The watertruck celebration is not until tomorrow September 6th at 1230. Students do not have to participate if the don't want to get wet, but there will be popsicles for all students. Have a great day.
4 months ago, Jenna Olson
Tonight is Back to School Night at MES. We will start the night in the gym for introductions and short presentation by Mrs. Olson. Then you will have the opportunity to meet with your child's teachers in their classroom. Back to School Night will be from 6-7 tonight and there will be a cookie for all that attend. See you Soon!
4 months ago, Jenna Olson
Tonight is Back to School Night at MES.  We will start the night in the gym for introductions and short presentation by Mrs. Olson.  Then you will have the opportunity to meet with your child's teachers.  Back to School Night will be from 6-7 tonight and there will be a cookie for all that attend.  See you Soon!
Ice Cream Social for all 6th-12th grade students. Please come and attend this optional event. This will be an introduction for the students to the new band/ choir teacher, Mr. Bushore.
5 months ago, Jenna Olson
Ice Cream Social for all 6th-12th  grade students.  This will be to introduce the students to the new band/ choir teacher, Mr. Bushore.
We will be handing out free slushies in front of the high school on July 3rd from 1-3. Come by, say Hi, and get a slushy!
6 months ago, Jenna Olson
We will be handing out free slushies in front of the high school on July 3rd from 1-3.  Come by, say Hi and get a slushy!
Today the the kindergarten program is at 10 am in the MES cafeteria. School will be done for kindergarten after the program. The 6th grade promotion will be at 1 pm in the MHS auditorium. See you there.
8 months ago, Jenna Olson
Tomorrow is field day at MES. Please send your child(ren) to school in clothing and shoes that are appropriate for participating in field day activities. Also, we will be outside for half the day so a hat and sunscreen might be needed. Thank you!
8 months ago, Jenna Olson
Our PTA color run is today! Please arrive at 5:30 pm to register. We'll start at 5:45. This is a FUN run and won't necessarily be a "race". Popsicles will be given afterward. Wear clothes that can be covered in colored chalk powder. (White is fun as it shows the colors). It DOES wash out. Sunglasses are great but not required. The location is the lower parking of the mill site. Drive down Clay Hill and you'll see a sign to the right. It's next to a bunch of gated garbage cans.
8 months ago, Jenna Olson
Our PTA color run is today! Please arrive at 5:30 pm to register. We'll start at 5:45. This is a FUN run and won't necessarily be a "race". Popsicles will be given afterwards. Wear clothes that can be covered in colored chalk powder. (White is fun as it shows the colors). It DOES wash out. Sunglasses are great but not required. The location is the lower parking of the mill site. Drive down clay hill and you'll see a sign to the right. It's next to a bunch of gated garbage cans.
There will be a flat tire repair brought to MES by Bike Utah this Friday. Bring your bike to MES on May 17th from 1:15 - 3:00. They will fix up your flat tires and get your bike ready to ride for the summer. Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
8 months ago, Jenna Olson
Does your kid's bike need a little love? Bring it by Monticello Elementary on May 17 from 1:15 - 3:00. We'll fix flats up for free and get you ready to ride this summer!  Free Just bring the bike!
On Wednesday MES will be serving Bison Burgers, that the meat was supplied by JNC Farm based out of Colorado.
8 months ago, Jenna Olson
Bison Burgers on Wednesday!