We are thrilled with the response from students and parents turning in February's projects! Those who participated are being put into a drawing for four Sheepherder Baskets. The random drawing will be held by Mrs. Dinah Holiday on Thursday afternoon from names placed on a spinning wheel.
We will continue to hold drawings weekly as a way to thank families for working together to support learning. We know it takes much effort on the part of parents, grandparents and guardians to help our students complete and turn in their assignments and we want to celebrate their success!
March's theme is "We are Innovators!" Watch for fun activities including Dr. Seuss, Read-a-Thon, recycling, sound and invention activities coming home this and next week. Teachers will be anxious to reward your participation!
Our Heritage teacher, Ms. Christine wants families to take pictures with your families during celebrations and while taking care of livestock and send them to her for display and for Dojo points and prizes.