Homecoming 2023 is in TWO Weeks. The 40th Year Homecoming will be celebrated starting with a parade on Friday, 9/29/23. Line-up will begin at Goulding's Grocery Store at 9:15 a.m. and will depart toward the high school at 10:00 a.m. Please line the streets with fans, family, friends, and anyone else to celebrate this grand event. Our Monumental Purpose is to celebrate our community of families, friends, and our Navajo Culture!!! Please join us!!!
If you would like to enter the parade with a float or otherwise, please email dgandy@sjsd.org with your request. All floats and entries must adhere to appropriate and clean expectations for this celebration. The administration reserves the right to deny an entry if it is inappropriate.
The Flyer is attached for your perusal!!!