Heritage Language Resource Center
The Heritage Language Resource Center (also known as the Media Center) began over 40 years ago, specifically to create Dine Language materials for the students of San Juan County. Over these 40 years, we have provided a print and media-rich Navajo language environment for students and families. The number of schools and students, as well as the quality and quantity of the language materials has increased over the years. Today, we offer not only reading materials, but also flashcards, posters, vocabulary games, beginning readers, traditional stories in Navajo and English, audio CDs of traditional songs and stories, and DVDs starring the one and only Coyote! We offer Navajo Language materials for the students, educators, health care facilities, and families of San Juan County and across the Four Corners region. We also make a selection of materials for Uinta-Ouray and Ute Mountain Ute educators.
Most of our materials originated from traditional Navajo narratives and teachings as told by these distinguished Navajo authors: Don Mose, Jr, Clayton Long, Lucille Hunt, Dolores Noble, Dr. Katherine Duncum, Marlena Sheperd, Ed.D, Barbara Silversmith, Val Roberts, Ida Mae Cowboy, and others. Past directors include, Lee Hurst, Kent Tibbits, and Katherine Hurst. It is through their leadership and direction that these language materials have developed.
Today the Heritage Language Resource Center is directed by Rebecca Stoneman-Washee and assisted by Karen Bronson. We couldn’t function without a supporting team of volunteers who are Kent Tibbetts, Katherine Hurst, Lucille Hunt, Ernie Washee, Steve Bronson, Clint Behunin, and Gary Bronson. Our Navajo Language Specialists are Lucille Hunt, Don Mose, Stella Jones, and Brenda Whitehorse. Don Mose, Jr is still working on Coyote stories for new books!
Let us help you meet your language and culture classroom needs! Please take time to browse our online store at media.sjsd.org. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call either Rebecca or Karen at 435-678-1230 or contact us through email or our official Facebook page. We look forward to hearing from you!
Sometimes you just have to talk to a real person! You can always call us Monday through Thursday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm MST. If there is no answer, please leave us a message and we’ll get back with you